Home Others General Handball Federation issues constitution review notice to members

Handball Federation issues constitution review notice to members

by Nnalubaale Sports
1 minutes read

Uganda Handball Federation’s forthcoming Annual General Assembly (AGM) agenda has nine items with the constitution review process on as number six.

“The Uganda Handball Federation will be holding her AGM on Saturday 25th February, 2023 scheduled to start at 9.00 am at a venue that will be communicated once confirmed,” read part of the letter Nnalubaale Sports has a copy of.

The document signed by Carl-Augustine Mugalu, the General Secretary of Uganda Handball Federation had the agenda listed out.

The meeting will have an opening prayer followed by the confirmation of the quorum before the President’s communication and Executive report.

Then, the approval of the minutes of the previous congress will lead to the Constitution review process and thereafter, the treasurer report and statement of accounts/auditor’s’ report will take center stage.

With the consent of the legitimate members in the AGM, the appointment process of auditors will close the business and a closing prayer will bring the curtains down.

The categories of people to attend are:

1. Council Members of UHF
2. Association members (3)
3. Club members(3)

For cases of No. 2 and 3, the 3 should be executive members of the association or club preferably the Chairman/Manager/President/CEO, the general secretary and the Treasurer but the association can suggest another executive member to be part of the 3 for as long as that representative is not an active player

The names of the delegates should be sent to secretariat by close of business, Wednesday 1st February, 2023 through email or physically at the federation offices.

“The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the event as scheduled above. All working documents and a special invite will be sent through email by Wednesday 25th January, 2023.”

The letter also requested members to update their registration as per Article 5 sections: 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 of the UHF Constitution.

Photo Credit: Richard Sanya

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