Home Others General Minister of State for Sports New Year Brief: New Face, Same Stale Promises

Minister of State for Sports New Year Brief: New Face, Same Stale Promises

by Nnalubaale Sports
1 minutes read

It is akin to norm for the Minister of State for Sports to preach hope in their New Year’s press brief and it was the case yesterday afternoon.

The same unkept promises to lift the sports sector have been exchanging from one minister to the other with the latest being Hon. Peter Ogwang.


Just like the other ministers, Hon. Ogwang praised athletes saying 2022 was one of the most successful years in Ugandan sports history, on the international scene promising better preparations.

“It is of utmost importance that we do not lose sight of it for the sake of our gallant and heroic athletes, preparing them on and off the field.”

About the white elephant in the room, funding, the minister’s submission left many not satisfied and worried.

“On the very important issue of funding to the Sector, despite the Budget increments that were announced at the start of the Financial Year, the actual releases have not been commensurate.”

Reason, “the National Treasury has been stretched to the limit by competing demands across the different sectors of government.”


  1. Improvement on facility development in sports infrastructures as a means of maximizing opportunities for all Ugandans to participate and excel in Sports.
  2. Facilitate validation and approval of National Sports Policy and sports bill before end of FY 2022/2023
  3. Align our Strategic interventions and aim at facilitating and improving the welfare of current athletes with rewards and recognition.
  4. Lobby for more funding to increase financial support to National Sports Association and NCS to adequately facilitate Sports development programs.
  5. Facilitate completion of Government funded National High Altitude Training Center in Teryet, Kapchorwa, the facility which shall go a long way in benefiting the training and preparation of athletes for Sports development.
  6. Support the revival of the district Sports Councils to enhance grassroot development in all our communities
  7. Establishment of Centers of Sports Excellence in different regions of Uganda, starting with the schools’ systems in Uganda
  8. Facilitate on the reward and recognition scheme for the recognition of talented Sportswomen and men who bring National pride to Uganda through Sports.
  9. Strengthening capacity building especially for the technical personnel within the National Sports Associations and PES
  10. Enforce compliance to Statutory Instrument No. 38, 2014 (NCS rules and regulations).
  11. Seeking Partnerships for the development of Sports Programs.

At this juncture, from Nnalubaale Sports we pray that this time round, the same stale promises will eventually kiss the sun!

Photo Credit: NCS Media

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