SC Villa Vice President Immanuel Ben Misagga has reportedly resigned from his role, following his falling out with the club hierarchy.
The aforementioned comes in the midst of the hooliganism-led sanctions on the club, that were posed by FUFA.
This was due to the Club’s fans’ hooliganistic tendencies in their 2-1 defeat last week to Wakiso Giants FC.

Misagga did not side with the fact that it were Villa fans had to do with the violence, calling out FUFA, and accusing them of betting.
“Main problem in football, inept FUFA has failed miserably to stop betting local games and hooliganism,” tweeted Misagga in one of his Twitter rants.
“Whisper to your goddess FA helm in an helmet of blackmail and a convict, you waste money to invest in local football while others are betting games Predetermined,” he added in another tweet.
“We need to get solutions for hooliganism, betting and predetermined results. Those who go to NBS Sport for visibility stunts should not be given time to cause more social off pitch hooliganism. FA helm created these football bandits when he wanted the same group to fight for him.”
These and more tweets did not go down well with the FUFA Ethics Committee who in turn sanctioned him on Friday.
Misagga was thereby reportedly forced into quitting by the club Executive, a fact he didn’t go down well with, inducing even more stinging tweets from the renown Engineer and football administrator.
“Being a Villa Executive is not an occupation, those who think can change my opinion are in the wrong lane. You have decided to dance on the tunes of a deceitful willful FA helm.”
In the aftermath of his departure, he has gone ahead to launch an attack which many feel is directed towards Mandela and FUFA President Moses Magogo.
“Building a legacy by timing club jackpot,” he tweeted before adding: “To me, Dr. Mulindwa (Lawrence) will always be the greatest football investor of our times.”
“Vipers is a reflection of hardwork and not waiting by the roadside to ride a loitering white horse to take credit,” Misagga roared, towards Mandela, who came to the Villa helm at the start of the 2021/22 campaign.
Courtesy photos.