“Ani yaani eh ani yaani” … lyrics to a classic Bebe Cool song. If you thought the year was slow to begin, you are wrong.
This year is already hot, at least going by what we have to endure through the weekend. Okay we will piss off a few people but here we go.
RAMS VS IMPIS at Makerere, 4 PM
Two teams no one thought had business being in the quarterfinal on paper. Impis managed to beat the tough talking hippos in squeaky bum time in a game graced by fashionista Emmanuel Samma as he continues his comeback.

The kicking left to emerging teenager … he grew a pair and underlined his credentials for the Baby cranes.

Rams after being relegated last season are having a hell of a ride. A threadbare win over Kyambogo was followed by a feast in Tooro, another eye of the needle win over Walukuba, and a relaxed loss to Heathens. Pheww!
On paper, Impis seem to know to dial this number but again the Rams have nothing to lose, with their specialty the shield revoked, they could as well see how far they can go.
Both teams call the graveyard home and will have no advantage over each other. Any grumblings about Impis being shopped off season are now in the darkness as they are having one of the longest tournament runs.
Anyway it is over a decade since any of the teams made it to the semis, okay for the Rams never.
What is a 4 year old capable of doing? Not much unless of course it is the Eagles. Having been a pipe dream and a touch loving side, they tried their luck and look at where they find themselves.

First game boom Pirates killed. What a fairytale! Mongers on the other side just limped into the quarters not as comfortably as expected but nonetheless as good as they get.
The Mongers have also taken a leave of absence from the semifinal but they were once regulars at this stage, it is also quite appealing to know that that the Eagles will easily win this encounter and be in the semifinals for the first time.
Hippos once upon a time were a good side but they have refused to evolve from the initial formula.
The fans have evolved into a dynamic and interesting bunch to hang around, now they are good but not formidable.

The old men of the Heathens, are also looking out of edge though they won every game in the group, they will have a full complement of the XV’s players back.
Heathens will definitely edge the Hippos but we will still love the banter.
Kobs will lose. Ahem. No more arguments.
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