The Uganda Volleyball Lady Cranes are gearing up for the Africa Nations Championship, which will be held in Yaounde, Cameroon from August 14-25.
The team is confident of a strong showing, despite the challenges they have faced in recent months.
Assistant head coach Mariam Nakamanya has asserted the team feels very ready for the challenge against some of the finest sides on the continent.

“It hasn’t been easy, but we have tried to prepare this team and I’m hopeful we’ll have good perfomances,” she said after yesterday’s training at ISU Lubowa.
“The girls have gradually raised their levels so; I’m optimistic that by the time of the games we’ll be ready to compete.”
Twelve players are already in camp, with many, vastly experienced while some will have their first continental experience.
“We have about four players who will be playing at this level for the first time, and they know why they’re in the team,” Nakamanya noted.
“We want them to feel exposed such that they can rub the experience to the rest. They’re working really hard in training,” she added.
Nakamanya however, holds a bit of concern for the fact that the team hasn’t had too many games in a long time, due to COVID-19 and it’s effects.
“Of course COVID-19 affected us in the ladies’ team. Many players left while others are not in great physical shape but we’ve tried to work on it.”
Team in Camp
Allen Kagusuru (Team Manager)
Tonny Peter Lakony (Head Coach)
Mariam Nakamanya (Assistant Head Coach).
Scholastica Akello, Libero Margret Namyalo, Eunice Amuron, Moreen Mwamula, Scovia Frances Alungat, Supernatural Mbakusiimira, Joan Tushemereirwe, Habiba Namale, Catherine Ainembabazi, Flavia Umuhlza, Jennifer Alungat and Naume Auma.
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